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[VIDEO] Zico Featuring in..

20 Jun

Giriboy (기리보이) – 계획적인 여자 (feat. Zico of Block B, Gganmo)



JJK (제제케) – Give & Take (feat. Zico of Block B)



[BNSCAFE] 120618 Taeil’s Cafe Update

20 Jun
[Taeil] I’m eating Jjapaghetti

I’m making Jjapaghetti right now you know? But I must have not put in enough water

The Jjapaghetti completely became dduk what should I do about this ㅡㅡ;

I greedily made 2 for nothing, it’s completely ruined


You guys eat deliciously too >,.<

And I went to the dentist yesterday and they said that if you eat coffee and curry your teeth will turn yellow

So I’m not going to eat them now

You guys don’t eat it too

Then that’s it for now

And I hate Mondays the mostㅡㅡ

(T/N: 1. Jjapaghetti is a type of instant noodle. 2. What Taeil means by “dduk” is that the noodles became sticky like rice cakes.)

(cr: BB-CLUB Translated By: Youngha@ BLOCKBINTL)

[CYUPDATE] 120615 Taeil’s Cyworld Update

20 Jun

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내가 잘때 항상 머리 옆에 두고 자는 방향제다은은한 블루베리향이 나는데 냄새가 진짜 너~무 좋다
그리고 볼때마다 웃고있어서 가끔 보면 기분이 좋다ㅋㅋ지금 컴터하다가 문득 봤는데 귀여워서나도 얘 따라서 같이 사진 한장ㅎ
TAGS: 블루베리 아침아직안먹어서 배고픔 가식섞인스마일
The air freshener I always place beside my head when I sleep.It gives off a gentle blueberry scent. I rea~lly like the smell.
And whenever I see it it’s smiling so sometimes I look at it and I feel goodㅋㅋI’m on the computer right now and happened to glance at it and it’s so cute.So I’ll imitate this kid too and take one picture with itㅎ
TAGS: Blueberry, I haven’t eaten breakfast, So I’m hungry, Pretentious smile

(cr: Taeil’s Cyworld Translated By:

[CYUPDATE] 120609 Jaehyo’s Cyworld Update

11 Jun

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TITLE: Block B
Somewhat of a memory

Jaehyo’s Profile Picture Update

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It’s a heartㅋㅋㅋ

(cr: Jaehyo’s Cyworld Translated By: kroongho @

[CYUPDATE] 120602 Kyung’s Cyworld Update

2 Jun
박경 – BBC = 0
고마워 항상 


Park Kyung – BBC = 0
Thank you, always.

T/N: Kyung made the diary update above and then afterwards he set his diary section to invisible. He edited his original diary post around 3 times before settling on the message above. His previous update read:


박경 – BBC = 0 
요즘 부쩍 느끼는 감사함.. 


Park Kyung – BBC = 0 
Nowadays I feel so much gratitude..

(cr: Kyung’s Cyworld Translated By: kroongho @

[CYUPDATE] 120529 Jaehyo’s Cyworld Update

1 Jun
싸이 아버지 뮤직비디오 보면처음에 아버지가 아기 태어나서 병원으로 달려가는 장면이 있는데가슴이 찡함 시간있으면 한번봐요 정말 좋은 음악!
If you watch the music video of Psy’s FatherIn the beginning there’s a scene of a dad running towards the hospital because of the birth of his child andit’s touching. If you have the time, watch it. It’s really good music!

(cr: Jaehyo’s Cyworld Translated By: kroongho @

[CYUPDATE] 120528 Taeil’s Cyworld Update

1 Jun

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pc방에서 디아블로 잡은 기념으로 한컷찍었다
TAGS: 잡았다 디아블로 기쁘다 잡은기념으로 컵라면ㄱㄱ
Took one picture in celebration of getting Diablo at the internet cafe
TAGS: Got it, Diablo, I’m happy, To celebrate, I’m getting cup ramyun

(cr: Taeil’s Cyworld Translated By: kroongho @

[CYUPDATE] 120528 B-Bomb’s Cyworld Update

1 Jun

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(cr: B-Bomb’s Cyworld)

[CYUPDATE] 120526 P.O’s Cyworld Update

27 May
알림 누가 요즘 제 트위터를
사칭한다는 소문이있어서,
저 트위터 한적도 없고
어떻게 하는지도 몰라요!!
Notice: There have been rumors regarding someone impersonating me on twitter,
I have never been on twitter
and I don’t even know how to tweet!!

P.O’s Photo Update

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Arrived in Malaysia~!

(cr: P.O’s Cyworld Translated By: kroongho @

[CYUPDATE] 120523 Jaehyo’s Cyworld Update

24 May
가사가 너무 좋은곡이니까 꼭 한번들어봐요

You should listen to the song because it has really nice lyrics. 
(T/N: He’s referring to his BGM that is on his cyworld. You can listen below and read the lyrics. The song is Father by PSY.)



How did you live like that?
Father, I ‘ve finally realized

Verse 1) He only looked forward as he lived
In no time, his children have grown up and won’t listen to him.
He put his needs to the side so he could support his children.
Looking at his children’s pictures, and gains the strength to work harder.
He swallows his tears, and gives it his all, brushing off tough times and stands up 
What if he faints at this rate?
“Dad is Superman! Don’t worry kids.” 
Even though things weigh him down, he can’t express it
He avoid the things that will strike up.
The world is scary, he wants to run away.
Damn, but he endures it everyday 
“I live because of my kids, who are playing around in my arms.”
Although it’s tough, I’m leaving. “Honey, kids! Dad is leaving for work.”

Father, I ‘ve finally realized
how did you live like that?
Don’t be lonely any longer
Now take my hand

Verse 2) Now that is children have become students
there is one thing that dad wants to say
“I want you to be a sincere person who is kind and polite, and to be healthy.
I’ll try my best to be a better father than the others, whether it’s outside of school
or private tutoring, I’ll compete with the other fathers and win so I can do everything for you.
I need to make a lot of money, so be good to your father.”
The kids make many friends and share stories
They see and hear about their friend’s fathers and compare who’s father buys better things 
As time passes, the children become more ill-mannered and his wife continues to nag,
he leaves even though he is lonely. “Honey, kids! Dad is leaving for work.”

Father, I ‘ve finally realized
how did you live like that?
Don’t be lonely any longer
Now take my hand

Verse 3)
“Honey, much time has passed.
Our first, is a society worker and our second is in college.
Now I want our family to be together
but because I’m the father it’s hard to talk.
My tears welled up at how time flies
The kids look so busy.
Oh, I think I’ll go out for a walk, honey come with me.” 

Father, I ‘ve finally realized
how did you live like that?
Don’t be lonely any longer
Now take my hand Oh~Oh~

I want to follow you 

LYRICS TRANSLATED BY: soulmusiq@ blockbintl

Source: Jaehyo’s Cyworld
Translated By: soulmusiq @